538.com says McCain had a 4.2% chance of winning the election. The Intrade market gives him a 15.8% chance. Obama has a commanding lead in the polls, is spending more on advertising, and appears to have a significant edge in the ground game. There are only 20 days left.
As far as I'm concerned, there are only two ways for McCain to have a shot at winning: (1) some huge world event like a major terrorist attack on American soil or a major war involving a country like Israel or Russia; or (2) McCain somehow manages to change the narrative of the campaign.
Conspiracy theories aside, the McCain campaign can't do anything about #1, so they're stuck trying to come up with some brilliant new messaging. Of course, if the McCain campaign had some great ideas, they probably would've already used them. Tonight's probably the last chance for McCain to come up with a game-changer. So, without any surefire winners, should McCain just throw whatever ideas/themes he has against the wall and see if anything sticks?