Hillary gave a fantastic speech last night. It was as pro-Obama and anti-McCain as I had hoped, probably more so. I think it was pitch perfect. It would've sounded phony if she'd suddenly acted like she was Obama's biggest fan. Instead, she basically gave the message to her supporters that even if they're not fully enamored with Obama, they should vote (and campaign) for him because he'll help enact the policies they believe in.
The two primetime speeches have been fantastic, but the rest of the convention (outside of the Teddy Kennedy moment and the Schweitzer speech) has been really flat. Obviously, primetime matters much more, but there are still a lot of people watching cable news the rest of the night. I'm curious what the ratings are.
What I want From Biden tonight (in addition to his inspirational life story, etc.):
"The Iraq War has been a devestating mistake for this country - 4,000 American lives lost, over $1 trillion spent, all done while we took our focus off of capturing Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Barack Obama had the judgment to declare that the war was a mistake from the beginning. Geore Bush was wrong. John McCain was wrong. I was wrong. Barack Obama was right. Who is more fit to be commander in chief - the man who was one of the leading advocates for this disastorous war or the man who had the good judgment to say it would be a mistake? Barack Obama had better judgment on Iraq and he'll have better judgment when it comes to future foreign policy decisions."