Nate (and one of his readers) make some compelling points for why Hillary is a good choice for VP.
I think they're missing the main reason Obama still won't pick her: he doesn't want to work with someone he can't trust, someone who has her own agenda, someone who isn't fully committed to an Obama presidency.
Ever since it became clear that Obama would be the nominee, the Clintons have been undermining Obama in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. If Hillary's the VP nominee, will she (and Bill) suddenly be fully committed to Obama? Or will part of the Clintons' agenda still be to improve their legacy? Will it be to push the idea in the public's mind that it's sort of a co-presidency? Will she fully support Obama on issues she doesn't agree with him on or will she push her own agenda?
These are relevant questions for both the campaign and (assuming they win) for the Presidency itself. Supposedly, the big piece of advice John Kerry gave to Obama is that he needs to trust his VP choice. Sounds like good advice to me.