10:29 - hmm, seems that Rudy went so long, they had to cut the intro video. Might not matter, but I thought the Dems did a great job with their videos, it seems foolish for the Republicans to not take advantage of the capability.
10:36 - The youngest daughter is adorable. Where was the middle one?
10:38 - Did she just lock up the parents of "special needs children" vote?
10:43 - "Small town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except you have actual responsibilities." Giuliani made fun of the community organizer thing, too. Is that really wise? The Democrats did a good job of establishing that Obama's work as a community organizer involved real help for recently laid-off factory workers. Making fun of it makes the Republicans seem callous.
10:48 - Wraps up the general theme about shaking things up, being a maverick etc. Talks about reform as governor - put the governor's private jet up on eBay. Great story.
10:50 - Repeats the "thanks, but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere" story despite the fact that the media has already called her out on being for the bridge before she was against it. I guess they're sticking to their guns on this one.
10:51 - Energy independence. The Republicans are really hammering this drilling thing tonight (earlier, they were chanting "drill, baby, drill"). The public seems to be in favor of drilling, but the Republicans might be overplaying their hand here. Do they really think that most Americans will believe that we can really drill our way out of the energy crisis?
10:53 - Wait, she addressed that concern - it won't solve everything, "but that's no reason to not do anything at all." Good job
10:56 - ~"Obama will make government bigger, increase taxes, reduce strength of our military". Taxes, taxes, taxes!!!
11:02 - Harry Reid can't stand John McCain. She's losing me a little here.
11:04 - Goes on for a bit about John McCain as a war hero, which is getting a little old. But, she does a nice job of tying it into her earlier point about him being like a lot of people from small towns, some of whom never came back.
11:09 - family joins her on stage. Sarah holds baby Trig. And there's McCain!
11:12 - I'm watching NBC and Brokaw just called her out on being misleading about "the bridge to nowhere."
All in all, it was a very good VP speech. I expected her to be good and it was. People who had low expectations were probably very impressed. In the end, is it enough to erase the concern that she isn't ready? I'm not sure. I'm curious to see how opinion polls shift. She gave a great speech, but other than the first 10 minutes of bio, it sounded like a speech that could've been written for any Republican VP. I imagine some voters were convinced she's ready, but that many will need to see how knowledgeable she is when she has to think on her feet without a teleprompter.