Maybe I'm watching a whole different convention. Everyone seems to be in love with Palin's speech; I thought it was good, but not really sure how it swung any voters. Everyone seems underwhelmed by McCain's speech, but I think it was very effective. It was a speech directed at swing voters and it was successful. Heck, even I was starting to like McCain by the end. McCain seemed like a thoughtful, compassionate patriot. He didn't offer the bold rhetoric or bold proposals of Obama, but at least he made it seem like he's aware that there are problems with unemployment, schools, and health care, and that he's planning on doing something to solve the problems. His anti-earmark stuff always sounds good. And he repeated his POW story, but managed to make it sound like he was genuinely sharing a personal story, not hitting a talking point.
My thoughts at the end of the night: McCain might've been able to win this election on his own. I still feel like picking Palin was a stunt executed by a desperate campaign that thought it couldn't win unless it took a risky move. McCain should've had more confidence in himself.